Text formatting in HTML
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<title>Text formatting in HTML</title>
<h1>Demo: Basic Text formatting in HTML</h1><br>
<p><strong>Brazil</strong> has won the most <b>football</b> World Cup titles of all time.</p><br>
<p>I am <em>glad</em> you weren't <i>late</i>.</p><br>
<p><mark>Leo Messi</mark> is the <u>GOAT</u> in football history.</p><br>
<p>This is to demo <small>smaller</small> text.</p><br>
<p>My favorite color is <del>red</del> <ins>blue</ins>.</p><br>
<p>H<sub>2</sub>O is the chemical formulae of water.</p><br>
<p>E = mc<sup>2</sup> is Einstein's most famous equation.</p><br>
<p>Martin Luther King Jr once said, <q>Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</q></p><br>
<p><abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr> ( hover over text ) </p><br>
<p><bdo dir="rtl">Skillzam - Learn without limits!</bdo></p><br>
<p><cite>The Mona Lisa</cite> by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most valuable paintings in the world.</p><br><br>