Audio Video in HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title>Audio Video in HTML</title>
<video> : element embeds a media player to supports video playback into the document.
<audio> : element is used to embed sound content in documents.
<source> : element within the audio/video block to specify the audio/video to be embed.
src : attribute, include a path to the media we want to display.
autoplay : boolean attribute; if specified, the audio/video automatically begins to play.
controls : attribute will offer controls to allow the user to control audio/video.
loop : attribute will automatically seek back audio/video to start upon reaching end.
muted : attribute, if set, the audio/video will be initially silenced.
poster : attribute will add image to be shown, while video is downloading.
<h1>Demo: Audio Video in HTML</h1>
<h2>Video file </h2>
<video controls
<source src="/notes/examples/assets/videos/skillzam.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<p>Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.</p>
<h2>Audio file </h2>
<audio controls
<source src="/notes/examples/assets/audio/skillzam.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
<p>Your browser does not support the audio element</p>