Hello World in JavaScript
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<title>Hello World in JavaScript</title>
<h1>Demo: Hello World in JavaScript</h1>
<p><strong>NOTE: To display the alert() message, view output in the full window!</strong></p>
<p><strong>To display the console.log() message, view output in the web console log!</strong></p>
<p id="para"></p>
<!-- JavaScript Code begins here -->
// Using alert() method - alert box with a message
alert("Hello World - By alert() method");
// Using write() method - write content to the Document
document.write("Hello World - By write() method");
// Using log() method - write message to the console
console.log("Hello World - By console.log() method");
// Using DOM selection & manipulation
document.getElementById("para").innerHTML =
"Hello World - By DOM selection & manipulation";