Aritmetic Operators
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<title>Aritmetic Operators</title>
Different types of JavaScript operators:
- Aritmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Conditional Operators
Aritmetic Operators : are used to perform arithmetic on numbers
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
** Exponentiation
/ Division
% Modulus (Division Remainder)
++ Increment
-- Decrement
Multiplication (*) and division (/) have higher precedence than addition (+) and subtraction (-).
Adding Strings, will concatenate strings.
Adding Strings and Numbers, will return a string.
<h1>Demo: Aritmetic Operators</h1>
<!-- JavaScript code Starts here -->
// JavaScript Aritmetic Operators
// Example on Numbers datatype
let x = 6;
let y = 2;
let a = x + y; // Addition = 8
let s = x - y; // Subtraction = 4
let z = x * y; // Multiplication = 12
let p = z/2; // Division = 6
let q = x**y; // Exponentiation = 36
let r = q%y; // Modulus = 0
let i = ++x; // Increment = 7
let d = --y; // Decrement = 1
let PEMDAS = x+y*x/y-x+z; // PEMDAS = P- Parentheses, E- Exponents, M- Multiplication, D- Division, A- Addition, and S- Subtraction
document.write( " a = " + a + "<BR>" +
" s = " + s + "<BR>" +
" z = " + z + "<BR>" +
" p = " + p + "<BR>" +
" q = " + q + "<BR>" +
" r = " + r + "<BR>" +
" i = " + i + "<BR>" +
" d = " + d + "<BR>" +
" x = " + x + "<BR>" +
" y = " + y + "<BR>" +
" PEMDAS = " +PEMDAS + "<BR><BR>")
// JavaScript Aritmetic Operator(+)
// Example on Strings datatype
let text1 = "SKILL";
let text2 = "ZAM";
let text3 = text1 + text2; // + operator used to add (concatenate) strings
document.write("Concatination of two strings : " +
text3 +
// JavaScript Aritmetic Operator(+)
// Example on Numbers & Strings datatype
let value1 = 4;
let value2 = "96";
let value3 = value1 + value2; // Concatination of Number & string
document.write("Concatination of Number & string : " +
value3 +
" and the typeof is " +
typeof(value3) +
<!-- JavaScript code Ends here -->