Conditional operator
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<title>Conditional operator</title>
Conditional operator also called ternary operator
It assigns a value to a variable based on some condition (true or false).
Syntax :
variableName = (condition) ? valueOne : valueTwo
<h1>Demo: Conditional operator</h1>
<h2>Is the citizen eligible to vote ?</h2>
<p id="para"></p>
<!-- JavaScript code Starts here -->
// JavaScript Conditional (Ternary) Operator
// Example to demo voting rights eligibility
let age = 24; // Actual Age
let eligibleAge = 18
let votingRights;
votingRights = (age > eligibleAge) ? "eligible to vote!" : "NOT eligible to vote!";
document.getElementById('para').innerHTML =
"Age of the citizen is " +
age +
" years. " +
"Hence, citizen is " +
<!-- JavaScript code Ends here -->