for Loops
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<title>for Loops</title></head>
Loops are all about doing the same thing over and over again i.e for rapidly completing repetitive tasks.
Types of loops in JavaScript:
for loop
for ... of loop
for ... in loop
while loop
<h1>Demo: JavaScript for Loops </h1>
<h2>Adding all single digit numbers in an array, using for loop</h2>
<p id="para1"></p>
<h2>Find sum of all the number in an array, using "for loop"</h2>
<p id="para2"></p>
<h2>Nested "for" loop example</h2>
<p>NOTE: Check the output on console log.</p>
<h2>Iterate multi-dimension array using "for" loop </h2>
<p>NOTE: Check the output on console log.</p>
<h2>Iterating arrays using "for .. of" loop </h2>
<p id="para3"></p>
<h2>Iterating string using "for .. of" loop</h2>
<p id="para4"></p>
<h2>Use "for .. in" loop to iterate Object literals</h2>
<p>NOTE: Check the output on console log.</p>
<h2>Iterate values in Object methods - turn data into an array</h2>
<p id="para5"></p>
<p id="para6"></p>
// "for" loop
// Example : Adding all single digit numbers in an array, using for loop
let singleDigit;
const numArray = [];
let index = 0;
for (singleDigit = 0; singleDigit <= 9; singleDigit += 1) {
numArray[index] = singleDigit;
document.getElementById('para1').innerHTML =
`The "numArray" contains = [${numArray}]`;
// Tracing for loop
// 1st: singleDigit=0; true; o/p: 0 added to the array
// 2nd: singleDigit=1; true; o/p: 1 added to the array
// 3rd: singleDigit=2; true; o/p: 2 added to the array
// ....
// .... continue adding to the array
// ....
// 9th: singleDigit=8; true; o/p: 8 added to the array
// 10th:singleDigit=9; true: o/p: 9 added to the array
// 11th:singleDigit=10; false; exit the for loop
// "for" loop
// Example : Find sum of all the number in an array, using "for loop"
let evenNum = [22, 44, 66]; // array length = 3
let sumNum = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < evenNum.length; x++) {
sumNum = sumNum + evenNum[x];
document.getElementById('para2').innerHTML =
`Sum of all the number in an array = ${sumNum}`;
// Tracing for loop
// 1st: x = 0; true; sumNum = 0 + 22 = 22
// 2nd: x = 1; true; sumNum = 22 + 44 = 66
// 3rd: x = 2; true; sumNum = 66 + 66 = 132
// 4th: x = 3; false; Exit the for loop
// Sum of all the number in an array = 132
// Nested "for" loop example
for (let p = 1; p <= 2; p++) { //p: 1,2
console.log(`p is: ${p}`)
for (let q = 1; q < 4; q++) { //q: 1,2,3
console.log(` q is: ${q}`)
// Output on console.log() looks like this :
// p is: 1
// q is: 1
// q is: 2
// q is: 3
// p is: 2
// q is: 1
// q is: 2
// q is: 3
// Tracing for loop
// Outer for loop - 1st of p: p = 1; true; o/p: p is:1
// 1st of q: q = 1; true; o/p: q is:1
// 2nd of q: q = 2; true; o/p: q is:2
// 3rd of q: q = 3; true; o/p: q is:3
// 4th of q: q = 4; false; Exit the inner q loop
// Outer for loop - 2nd of p: p = 2; true; o/p: p is:2
// 1st of q: q = 1; true; o/p: q is:1
// 2nd of q: q = 2; true; o/p: q is:2
// 3rd of q: q = 3; true; o/p: q is:3
// 4th of q: q = 4; false; Exit the inner q loop
// Outer for loop - 3rd of p: p = 3; false; Exit the outer p loop
// Iterate multi-dimension array using "for" loop
// Example : Print the country name and Flag colors
const arrFlags = [
for (let a = 0; a < arrFlags.length; a++) { // arrFlags.length = 5
let flagRow = arrFlags[a];
console.log(flagRow[0] + " Flag Colors");
for (let b = 1; b < flagRow.length ; b++) { // flagRow.length = 4
// Output on console.log() looks like this :
// INDIA Flag Colors
// Orange
// White
// Green
// GERMANY Flag Colors
// Black
// Red
// Yellow
// RUSSIA Flag Colors
// White
// Red
// Blue
// COLOMBIA Flag Colors
// Yellow
// Blue
// Red
// EGYPT Flag Colors
// Red
// White
// Black
// Tracing for loop
// Outer for loop - 1st of a: a = 0; true; flagRow = ["INDIA","Orange","White","Green"] ; O/P: INDIA Flag Colors
// 1st of b: b = 1; true : O/P: Orange
// 2nd of b: b = 2; true : O/P: White
// 3rd of b: b = 3; true : O/P: Green
// 4th of b: b = 4; false Exit the inner b loop
// Outer for loop - 2nd of a: a = 1; true; flagRow = ["GERMANY","Black","Red","Yellow"] ; O/P: GERMANY Flag Colors
// 1st of b: b = 1; true : O/P: Black
// 2nd of b: b = 2; true : O/P: Red
// 3rd of b: b = 3; true : O/P: Yellow
// 4th of b: b = 4; false Exit the inner b loop
// ... continue
// Iterating arrays using "for .. of" loop
// Example : Sum of all the number in an array
let total = 0;
let arrayNum = [10, 20, 30, 40];
for (let n of arrayNum) {
total = total + n;
document.getElementById('para3').innerHTML =
`Sum of all the number in an array = ${total}`;
// Tracing for loop
// 1st : n = 10; total = 0 + 10 = 10
// 2nd : n = 20; total = 10 + 20 = 30
// 3rd : n = 30; total = 30 + 30 = 60
// 4th : n = 40; total = 60 + 40 = 100
// No more values in the array, hence exit the for loop
// Sum of all the number in an array = 100
// Iterating string using "for .. of" loop
// Example : convert string into an array of characters
const charArray = [];
let charIndex = 0;
for (let singleChar of "SKILLZAM") {
charArray[charIndex] = singleChar;
document.getElementById('para4').innerHTML =
`The "charArray" contains = [${charArray}]`;
// Tracing for loop
// 1st: singleChar = S; o/p: S is added to the array
// 2nd: singleChar = K; o/p: K is added to the array
// 3rd: singleChar = I; o/p: I is added to the array
// 4th: singleChar = L; o/p: L is added to the array
// 5th: singleChar = L; o/p: L is added to the array
// 6th: singleChar = Z; o/p: Z is added to the array
// 7th: singleChar = A; o/p: A is added to the array
// 8th: singleChar = M; o/p: M is added to the array
// No more charaters in the string "SKILLZAM", hence exit the for loop
// The "charArray" contains = [S,K,I,L,L,Z,A,M]
// "for .. in" loop
// Example : Use "for .. in" loop to iterate Object literals
const bioMessi = {
name: "Leo Messi",
team: "PSG",
position: "Forward",
height: 170,
weight: 159,
birthdate: "24/6/1987",
age: 35,
country: "Argentina",
careerHist: ["PSG","Barcelona","Argentina"],
isRetired: false
for (let bio in bioMessi) {
console.log(`${bio.toUpperCase()} is ${bioMessi[bio]}`);
// Output on console.log() looks like this :
// NAME is Leo Messi
// TEAM is PSG
// POSITION is Forward
// HEIGHT is 170
// WEIGHT is 159
// BIRTHDATE is 24/6/1987
// AGE is 35
// COUNTRY is Argentina
// CAREERHIST is PSG,Barcelona,Argentina
// ISRETIRED is false
// Tracing for loop
// 1st: bio = name; bioMessi[bio] = Leo Messi; o/p: NAME is Leo Messi
// 2nd: bio = team; bioMessi[bio] = PSG; o/p: TEAM is PSG
// 3rd: bio = position; bioMessi[bio] = Forward; o/p: POSITION is Forward
// 4th: bio = height; bioMessi[bio] = 170; o/p: HEIGHT is 170
// 5th: bio = weight; bioMessi[bio] = 159; o/p: WEIGHT is 159
// 6th: bio = birthdate; bioMessi[bio] = 24/6/1987; o/p: BIRTHDATE is 24/6/1987
// 7th: bio = age; bioMessi[bio] = 35; o/p: AGE is 35
// 8th: bio = country; bioMessi[bio] = Argentina; o/p: COUNTRY is Argentina
// 9th: bio = careerHist; bioMessi[bio] = PSG,Barcelona,Argentina; o/p: CAREERHIST is Paris Saint-Germain,Barcelona,Argentina
// 10th: bio = isRetired; bioMessi[bio] = false; o/p: ISRETIRED is false
// No more name:value pair exists in the object literal, hence exit the for loop
// "for .. of" loop on Object
// Example : Iterate values in Object methods - turn data into an array
const goalScores = {
Messi: 44,
Ronaldo: 43,
Diogo: 43,
Robert: 39,
Turpel: 37,
Suarez: 36,
Salah: 35,
Griezmann: 35,
Cifuente: 34,
Kane: 33
let gTotal = 0;
// Using Object constructor, create array of 'values'
let goals = Object.values(goalScores);
// goals = [44,43,43,39,37,36,35,35,34,33]
for (let goal of goals) {
gTotal += goal;
document.getElementById('para5').innerHTML =
`The array of object values is = [${goals}]`;
document.getElementById('para6').innerHTML =
`Total goals scored by top 10 players in the year 2018: ${gTotal}`