Default Params
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<title>Default Params</title>
Default parameters : allows named parameters to be initialized with default values, if no value or undefined is passed.
<h1>Demo: Default Params</h1>
<h2>Default Params</h2>
<p id="para1"></p>
<h2>Expressions as Default params</h2>
<p id="para2"></p>
<h2>Passing function value as Default params</h2>
<p id="para3"></p>
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// Default Params : New way of defining the default parameters
// Example : Finding the factorial of a number
function findFactorial (number = 5) {
let fact = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
fact *= i;
document.getElementById('para1').innerHTML =
`The factorial of ${number} is ${fact}.`;
findFactorial(); // Function invoking without argument
// Expressions as Default params
// Example : squaring numbers
function sqNum (x = 2, y = x**2) {
document.getElementById('para2').innerHTML =
`The square of ${x} is ${y}.`;
sqNum(); // Function invoking without argument
// Passing function value as Default param
const add = () => 10;
// function add() as param
const doMath = function( a, b = a + add() ) {
return a + b;
const mathResult = doMath(20); // Only one argument is passed instead two
document.getElementById('para3').innerHTML =
`Math Result = ${mathResult}`;
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