Skillzam Campus Enable Program [SCEP] in Technology

Skillzam Campus Enable Program [SCEP] in Technology

Learn from the best technology industry experts!

Start Your Journey With SKILLZAM 4.0 Skillzam

You can start SCEP right after PUC-II / 12th / Intermediate

Learn 4 hours a week

Learn 3 hours per week alongside college

High Paid Software Job

Get a technology Job, irrespective of your college/ branch

New Tech Jobs
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Many colleges do not teach the skills business leaders need most in their workforce, such as coding.
Tim Cook
CEO, Apple

You don't need a college degree to work at Tesla.
Elon Musk
CEO, Tesla Motors

What matters most is relevant skills, not degrees.
Jeff Weiner
Ex- CEO, LinkedIn
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Achieve your high paying dream career with SCEP's Technology structured path

STEP - 1

Learn 4 hours a week
(30 weeks)
Interactive and Engaging Sessions

STEP - 2

Learn 4 hours a week
Core Technology Path
(40 weeks)
Interactive and Engaging Sessions

STEP - 3

Learn 4 hours a week
Build Your Pro Profile
(40 weeks)
Interactive and Engaging Sessions

STEP - 4

Learn 4 hours a week
AI-ML / Data Science
(40 weeks)
Interactive and Engaging Sessions

STEP - 5

Learn 4 hours a week
Develop best Projects
(20 weeks)
Interactive and Engaging Sessions

STEP - 6

Learn 3 hours a week
Prepare for dream job
(20 weeks)
Interactive and Engaging Sessions

Our best industry expert's team will
help you learn Technology skills.

Our best industry expert's team will help you learn Technology skills.

Trainers are exprienced Tech professionals
Alumni of IITs and Top MNCs - Trainers
Kutub M
Full Stack, AI, Data Science
Alumni of IITs and Top MNCs - Trainers
Sandeep P
Testing, DevOps, Cloud
and more...
Learning Coaches help you land your first job
Manjula Hosur
Quality Expert
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Akash Adagond
Python & Java FullStack
and more...
Get doubts resolved by our expert technologist
Alumni of IITs and Top MNCs - Trainers
Dundayya Kallimath
Database, COTS
Alumni of IITs and Top MNCs - Trainers
Afreen K
Python, Java, AI-ML
and more...
SKILLZAM 4.0 Learner
Technolgy at
Learning Coaches help you land your first job
Here are career coaches who can help you land your first software job
Manjula Hosur
QA, Automation, API
Here are career coaches who can help you land your first software job
Akash Adagond
Akash Adagond
Python & Java FullStack
and more...
Gain expert insights from Domain Experts
Here are career coaches who can help you land your first software job
Vinayak Inamadar
LLM, NLP, Analytics, DS
Here are career coaches who can help you land your first software job
Javed Bani
Business Analysis, RPA
and more...

On the right path to get your first dream job

Interactive and Engaging Sessions

Industry vetted curriculum

Interactive and Engaging Sessions

Interactive and Engaging Sessions

To understand concepts in-depth - Micor-level Assessments

Code along sessions

Providing Hight Performance Frameworks

Strong Alumni network

You can share skil profile on GitHub,Coding Platforms etc

Progressive Mentorship

Exclusive acess to Tribe 4.0
Exclusive acess to Tribe 4.0

Exclusive access to placements

Code along with right skillsets, by working on real-world projects

Toursites based on the city & State
Tourist destination posted by users based on city & states in India. This web-app has features like edit / delete / authorization etc..
Build a face recognition software with AI/ML
CRM Dasboard webpage
Implementing CRM Dashboard application, where organizations can list of customer info, individual details and other transactions.
Dropbox share
Create storage & share files related to projects, & make resources available online for team collaboration.
create unbeatable bots using ML for board games
Developing IPL Dashboard App
E-Commerce site
Developing a next-gen E-commerce platform like FlipKart / Amazon, where customers can login and see products available etc..
Build a door activated lighting systesm - Smart Door Light
Smart Homes
Develop a door activated lighting system which will turn on the light as soon as you open the door.
With Data science, develop hypotheses to analyze the unemployement trends
Face recognition with AI/ML
Create a face recognition web application using CNNs to detect the important features without any human supervision
Build a movie recommendation system with AI/ML
Songs collections application
Build a songs collection application like Spotify. This uses the spotify API integration with the frontend GUI
Developing Ecommerce App
Population impact
How population has impacted countries on socio-economic front? With Data Science, develop hypotheses to statistically analyze the population trends
Game bots
Develop unbeatable bots using AI-ML for board games using adversarial search based algorithms to resolve two-person games. In this one player seeks to maximize score while other tries to minimize.
Cyber warrior Level 1
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Toursites based on the city & State
Tourist destination posted by users based on city & states in India. This web-app also has features like edit / delete /authorization etc..
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Songs collections application
Build a songs collection application like Spotify. This uses the spotify API integration with the frontend GUI
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Face recognition with AI/ML
Create a face recognition web application using CNNs to detect the important features without any human supervision
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CRM Dasboard webpage
Implementing CRM Dashboard application, where organizations can list of customer info, individual details and other transactions
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Population impact study
How population has impacted countries on socio-economic front? With Data Science, develop hypotheses to statistically analyze the population trends
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E-Commerce site
Developing a next-gen E-commerce platform like FlipKart / Amazon, where customers can login and see products available etc..
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We have taken the right step by joining Skillzam,
What about you?

Starting early with Skillzam's SCEP is the best thing I gifted myself. It helps me get practical experience before graduating. I am sure my future is in safe hands.

SCEP is well structured and helps me get practical experience before graduating. I am sure my future is in safe hands.

Shashidhar Shettar
Software Engineer

With LEAP's structured curriculum in the program, I could learn programming in a short period with thorough practice and crack my job interviews.

With LEAPS's structured curriculum in the program, I could learn programming in a short period with thorough practice and crack my job interviews.

Shreya Malghan
Software Trainee

Learning by building real-world projects improved my skills and problem solving abilities. Trainers help me learn to code with simplified explanations.

Learning by building real-world projects improved my skills and problem solving abilities. Trainers help me learn to code with simplified explanations.

Priyanka Sthavaramath
Programmer Analyst

SCEP is the best place to kickstart your technology learning path. I developed strong fundamentals, DSA, and competitive programming skills.

SCEP is the best place to kickstart your technology learning path. I developed strong fundamentals, DSA, and competitive programming skills.

Hayat Halladamani

Day in & day out, my confidence grew with the well-vetted programs and comprehensive practice sets. I knew that with LEAP, I was on the right path.

Day in & day out, my confidence grew with the well-vetted programs and comprehensive practice sets. I knew that with LEAP, I was on the right path.

Prafulla Hiremath

I would definitely recommend this amazing platform to the juniors. It teaches you the essentials to crack any top tech interview One Tip, Start early!

I would definitely recommend this amazing platform to the juniors. It teaches you the essentials to crack any top tech interview One Tip, Start early!

Lavanya Bingi
MCA Student

Acquire, Authenticate, Announce your Skills

Learn the skills | Demonstrate the skills | Get Certified
Recognised & respected certificate
Unlike any academic certificate, Skillzam certifies your job readiness & capability for a particular role
Shareable, Credible and Official
Add it to your Workzam or LinkedIn profile, share it on social-media. Make your profile stand out everywhere.
Standout from the crowd
By being Skillzam certified, you instantly differentiate yourself from others for higher placements.
Skillzam certified full stack developer
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Grow multifold with our continuous personal care

weekly growth updates
Weekly growth updates and suggestions from student mentor
Mentorship with Industry experts
Mentorship with Industry experts
Live Interactions with mentors
Consistency Challenges
to boost your progress
Individual development plan
Individual Development Plan with learning milestones adapted to your pace

If you are wondering
“Will I be able to do all of this?”

Absolutely Yes!

Basic high school Mathematics is sufficient to get started smoothly!!
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Will I be able to do all of this?